
Showing posts from December, 2023

Formula Function

1- Trim Process Flow to Use the TRIM Function in Excel 1. Open Your Workbook Open the Excel file where you want to clean text data. 2. Identify the Data to Trim Locate the cell or column containing the text that has extra spaces. Example: Column A contains names with irregular spaces. 3. Insert a Helper Column Insert a new column next to the text column (if needed). Example: Add a column titled "Trimmed Text" next to Column A. 4. Enter the TRIM Formula In the first cell of the helper column (e.g., B2), enter the formula: =TRIM(A2) Replace A2 with the reference to the cell you want to clean. 5. Apply the Formula Drag the fill handle (small square at the bottom-right corner of the selected cell) down to apply the formula to other rows. 6. Replace the Original Data (Optional) If you want to replace the original data with the cleaned version: Copy the cells with the TRIM formula. Right-click on the original column and choose Paste Special > Values . 7. Verify the Result Chec...

Convert Text formatted number in number value

Process Flow: Convert Text formatted number in number value  Method 1: Use Shortcut Keys Select Range: Highlight the cells containing numbers stored as text. Shortcut Key Sequence: Type the shortcut  Alt + D + E + F . Result: The text is converted to numeric values. Method 2: Use Paste Special and Multiply Preparation: Select a blank cell that does not have this issue. Type the number 1 into the blank cell and press Enter . Copy the Value: Press Ctrl + C to copy the cell containing the number 1 . Select the Range: Highlight the cells that have numbers stored as text. Apply Paste Special: Go to the Home tab. Click Paste > Paste Special . In the Paste Special dialog box, select Multiply , then click OK Result:  Excel multiplies each cell by 1 , effectively converting the text to numbers. Method 3: Use Value Number Function Add a New Column: Insert a new column adjacent to the data range. Apply Formula: In the first cell of the new column, type the formula =VALUE(A1) ...

Conditional Formatting in Outlook

  Conditional Formatting in Outlook:  Automatically change incoming message colors and fonts based on sender, subject, or recipients Conditional formatting is a way to make messages that meet defined conditions stand out in the message list by using color, fonts, and styles. You specify conditions that an incoming message should meet, such as a sender’s name or email address, and then conditional formatting is applied only to those messages. For example, a conditional rule can specify that all messages sent from your manager appear in red text in the message list. To make further changes to the body of your email messages,  change the default font or text color for email messages  . Note:   In Microsoft Outlook 2007, the  Organize  feature enabled you to create conditional text formatting rules for email messages. In Microsoft Outlook 2010 and later, conditional text formatting is now accessed in the  Advanced View Settings  dialog box. ...

Import Excel Calendrer in Outlook

  First, please save your Excel as a .csv file. Outlook can import comma separated value (.csv) files, but not workbooks with multiple sheets. ln your workbook, click the worksheet with the calendar information you want to import. Click  File  >  Save As . Choose where to save your file. In the  Save as type  box, choose  CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) , and click  Save . Excel tells you “The selected file type does not contain workbooks that contain multiple sheets.” This refers to a limitation of the CSV file; nothing will happen to your original workbook (the .xlsx file). Click  OK . Excel tells you “Some features in your workbook might be lost if you save it as CSV (Comma delimited).” This refers only to limitations of the CSV file and can be ignored.  Click  Yes  to have Excel save the current worksheet as a CSV file. The original workbook (the .xlsx file) closes.  Close the CSV file. You're done with Excel. Now, yo...

XLOOKUP function

  How does the XLOOKUP function work in Microsoft Excel? To explain the XLOOKUP function properly, we’ll use an example scenario. An example Excel spreadsheet contains the staff list of a small company, containing IDs, names, email addresses, and responsibilities. A dataset, such as this one, can be used as a searchable directory in Excel using an XLOOKUP formula. A search value for this formula could contain any of the values above, from an ID number to an email address. XLOOKUP can find a value (matching in full or the closest approximation) from a range of cells (or search array) and return it. To do this, a formula using XLOOKUP has a number of arguments that need to be used to create the query. Sample -2 

The Show Report Filter Pages Feature

  The Show Report Filter Pages Feature The Show Report Filter Pages feature: Creates a copy of an existing pivot table for each unique item in a field. The new pivot tables are created on individual worksheets. Each sheet is renamed to match the item name. A filter is applied to the field in the Filters Area of each pivot table for the item. All this is done with a click of a button.  Your field can have 5 or 500 unique items.   Show Report Filter Pages will create a sheet for each item and replicate the pivot table report . Here are the steps to use Show Report Filter Pages: Step 1 – Add the field to the Filters Area The first step is to create a pivot table.  Then add the field that contains the list of items to the Filters Area of the pivot table. In this example we want to create one pivot table for each salesperson in the organization.  So, we are going to add the Salesperson field to the Filters Area of the pivot table. Step 2 – Run the Show Report Filter ...

Conditional formatting rule based on formula

    How to create a conditional formatting rule based on formula On the  Home  tab, in the  Styles  group, click  Conditional formatting > New Rule… In the  New Formatting Rule  window, select  Use a formula to determine which cells to format . Enter the formula in the corresponding box. Click the  Format…  button to choose your custom format. Switch between the  Font ,  Border  and  Fill  tabs and play with different options such as font style, pattern color and fill effects to set up the format that works best for you. If the standard palette does not suffice, click  More colors…  and choose any RGB or HSL color to your liking. When done, click the  OK  button. Make sure the  Preview  section displays the format you want and if it does, click the  OK  button to save the rule. If you are not quite happy with the format preview, click the  Format…  bu...